The Oblivion Ring + Essence Reliquary combo felt more like a bug than a feature.
I could replace O-Ring with Banishing Light but i think a second wrath is more interesting for slower white decks and it also counteracts the increasing speed of the format a bit.
And it further increases the cycling density which is a much appreciated upside!
Webstrike Elite fills many different roles. It
I am cutting Lotleth Troll as its regeneration ability can be very annoying and i also have an abundance of green 2 drops.
Great cycling payoff. My favourite card from this set. :D
The Valakut Exploration Package is removed as it required to many pieces. Your deck had to be able to hit multiple land drops every turn consistently to be good enough.
Also adding a bit more dredge support (Fallaji Archaelogist, Centaur Chieftain, Stitch Together) and many cycling cards from Aetherdrift! :D
Essence Reliquary is a really powerful blink engine, that has many micro synergies in this cube. It can:
The only thing i dislike about this card is that it will probably overshadow my pet card astral drift, but luckily both cards will also work very well together.
Purify the Grave was unnecessary graveyard hate and very rarely played.
I am excited to readd Flamewake Phonix. I probably should never have cutted that card. I also like that its new foundation version has a cleaner text box.
Redcap Gutter-Dweller was mostly just a goodstuff card. It wont be missed.
The Fungus is just better in so many ways and will very likely see more mainboard play.
Savior of Ollenbrock has the word graveyard in its textbox but does not really offer any synergies. It was mostly just a random goodstuff 3 drop.
Testing now Muster the Departed instead as a nice build around for token / sacrifice decks.
Wharf Infiltrator is both enabler and payoff in one card for Cycling / Discard decks.
I like Shoreline Looter but i will cut it for now until i find a better cut. The card is much better than all other 2 mana looters currently played in blue which bothers me a bit. I still like the card and could see it being readded soon as i dont think he is too strong.
Wicked Wolf was too much of a goodstuff card that every green deck was interested in. It often pushed out more synergistic options from decklists.
Hedge Shredder is a very unique payoff card for self mill strategies that also offers a good body for its cost.
Blue needed a little bit more interaction outside of counterspells. Deem Inferior fits the cycling theme, can deal with any type of permanent and is often cheap to cast in this format.
The Mirari Conjecture was a fun but often a very ineffective card. When played as a value piece, it is often to slow to make an impact, and as a combo piece it lacked impactful spells worth the setup.
Paying 2 life instead of mana for cycling is just much more efficient and a more unique cost.
I finally got rid of the only instance of Shadow in the cube. Threshold is also a very flavorful addition. :)
Testing Living Twister and Smokestack as new includes as both are much more interesting cards than Radha and Heirloom Blade.
Also looking for a cut for Cenote Scout. Cutting cards is always the hardest part.
I am always happy to add new cards with flashback. :)
My favourite card from Modern Horizons 3 for this cube so far.