Planet on the move again!
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Nearby Planet is now is the glorious and diamond hands of @aibretty !
New lines are being discovered as we speak, new dimensions of the mind, new directions orthogonal to our pitiful reality are being taken, new absurd combinations of profane cardboard that will never be seen again are flashing in and out of existence in a city far from here.
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Nearby Planet is on the move!
As we speak this battle box is on it's way across the country to Madison WI! To be played and howled over by the wonderful Madison CUBE Crew.
This is the first of the 'BATTLE BOX BY MAIL' project. An effort to connect the community with hands on experience, and wild levels of trust!
Good luck Nearby Planet! We can't wait to hear the stories!
- Jhoria draws cards...But Tameshi draws cards and recures things. Power Creep.
- The Redacted Citanul was taking over games to easy. Phial encourages the top deck trust, which I like.
- Crypto Bro felt pretty slow tbh. Clever can be anything right off the bat...which I like better.
New House Rule
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
New House Rule
- If last card of the
is drawn, the Planet (the99
itself) wins.
The People Have Spoken
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Turns out folks didn't think the Relic hit the mark, even though everyone is scrambling for colored pips.
Vesuva is a beauty and fits well in the 99. How wouldn't like to draw this.
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Mainboard Changelist+4, -4
Maybeboard Changelist+0, -2
Played some intense games last night. The initial 21 is really cooking hot with lines that feel extremely hot and weirdly balanced. Incredibly it does come down to game decisions and how to maximize the top bombs and interaction.
OUT : Rebuild the City is just to expensive for the effect.
IN : Wellspring basically does the same job and is hilarious.
OUT : Idol has consistently made a 10/10, but the slight feel bad of not using it to draw cards makes it...a feel bad.
IN : Dire Mimic is going to be a good trick and I think the extra colored mana will matter with Void Mirror stuff.
OUT : Etched also has a feel bad of how hard it is to get the draw going.
IN : Voltaic is going to absolutely SLAP! Why wasn't this in here. lol.
OUT : Stroke could be amazing for the Tron player...but then it's a weird win-more, which I don't really want.
IN : Twiddle does a lot here and is cheap.
Also...I'm actually liking Thespian Stage in the 21. And, if I get a Vesuva, would probably put it in the 99, swapping out another Tower.
Land Tricks
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
This is the way.
Less Tokens
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Gotta cut down on the overall token amounts.
This is a test
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
I know things have escalated a little bit. So I might walk this one back. But the theory is...that it's balance out the Tron fuckery
Recursion & Answers
dsbcubes posted to Nearby Planet -
Mainboard Changelist+2, -2
Maybeboard Changelist+0, -1
We're really digging into the 21 now, and folks are feeling like fatties don't have a line.
Maybe this'll help keep Kill Switch in check, and Trawler can help with the Disk and recurring some rocks.