The Beatdown Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Darrell Riche
krayzeee -

Hi Ryan, I was wondering what your thoughts and experiences on this cube are nowadays. You did not update it since pretty much a few weeks after its inception, so was it a failed experiment, or did you just never get around to playing it?

RyanSaxe posted to The Beatdown Cube -

5cmc is a lot so not worried about second FTK in black. Bone Shards doesnt have as many big things to kill and sacrifice/discard is not as easy to abuse in this environment.

flash theme in green is now smaller, but still there. Mayor is a great way of benefitting on flash while also having cool other applications. Makes more sense than Yeva.

cutting down to size before putting together for testing

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
  • knight of autumn all modes are relevant and first rec sage for more midrange variants.
  • guilded Goose is cool for one shot boosting + lifegain + artifact synergies. It also holds counters well. However, want to reduce number of ways to push up the curve, so cutting for now. Likely will add back in if cards like Young Wolf end up being too bad.

Cutting some of the more lower powered cards that were there for synergy before this cube increased in power. Making some other normal swaps + increasing interaction with more hard removal for 4cmc + creatures.

adding some more conditional wraths to put some more tension on over-extending.


  1. Meathook Massacre might be too good.
  2. Elder Deep-Fiend is just one of my favorite cards and might be really great here. It also can be a fun thing for somebody to strive for with K-return
  3. Endless One isn't an artifact, but will see place and gives K-return a second trigger.
  4. Considering Urza's Saga again but going to keep it out for now I think.
Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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