Cards Cuts from 1st draft
Cuts from 1st Playtest of cube
Linessa She is very cool in concept, but in practice she is either really bad or she is way too oppressive; just not a very fun card
Very Cryptic Command I do want to keep this one in the cube since all the effects are super interesting, but having all of them in the cube does not feel great since triple blue is pretty hard.
S.N.O.T. This is a very polarizing card. I thought this would be an excellent addition to the cube, but after some playtesting, it is either a dead 1 mana 1/1, or a huge threat, or a 3 for 1 blowout, this just does not seem great
Cut Cards from the first draft
Rules Lawyer & Yule Ooze This card is busted strong, I just wanted to confirm my suspicions
Furgul & Gitrog & Teysa I hoped that these cards would play okay, but they were way too good
Knight of the Hokey Pokey There are too many WW 2/2s need to cut down on them
update to collection
update to collection
Updated Inventory
Marco buying update
Update, the alchemy cards are really expenive since they only come in foil.
update from tcgplayer order
Updates of inventory from tcgplayer order
Updating MB2 playtest cards to be missing and try and get in person, but not to proxy