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Art by Keith ParkinsonArt by Keith Parkinson

I was taught Magic on the kitchen floor of my childhood home with no sleeves buy a guy named Jay.
I remember sitting on the ladder of my bunk bed on my birthday when a friend, Trapani, gifted me a fat pack of Tempest, which were the first cards I ever owned.
I remember sitting in the cafeteria across from Wilson, losing to a turn 3 Dauthi Slayer, Hatred combo.
I remember an opponent scooping to my Curiosity/Mind Over Matter mono blue hard control deck in the middle school library during lunch.
I remember being caravanned up to my first pre-release in Phoenix, Arizona for Urza's Saga.
I remember an older boy talking about buying a case (6 boxes!!) of Japanese Magic cards while sitting in the back of Big Kids Comic Books during an FNM.
I remember getting my first box of Exodus for Christmas.
I remember playing mono green stompy in a extended format PTQ where I would have made top 8 if I just would have understood I should have split with my opponent rather than play it out in the final round.
I remember when red decks were called Sligh.
I remember playing at a local shop down the road from my apartment during Lorwyn block in Standard.
I remember building a EDH deck before it was an official format.
I remember having a DCI card.
I remember the first year I drafted the fUN Cube.

So many memories and so many more to come. I love this game.