Thank you for looking at my cube! I decided to make this after playing a friends amazing good stuff cube and realized this would be a great way to bring all my old friends together and have a good time. This is my first attempt at making a cube. I originally was going to make a 360 card cube but decided it was too small and wanted so see a greater variety of cards. So I’ve landed at 720 and in time I would like to add 3 color card options to the list.
This good stuff cube is a singleton style with cards from all years, sets, promos and custom proxy’s. My main goal with is cube is to be able to sit down with old friends who no longer have a collection and have them recognize classic cards they grew up with as well as seeing new cards and mechanics.
Please comment any thoughts or ideas on my cube in how it may be better or what you like about it.
Thank you,
Alex Gygax