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Lotusgardener2 followersFollow
Decks (55+)
Page 1 of 3+
WURG Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WURG Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
BRG Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WURG Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUBRG Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUBRG Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WBRG Draft of Caleb Gannon's Powered Synergy CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WURG Draft of MTGA Arena Timeless Historic CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
UBRG Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUG Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
UR Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
UBR Draft of LSVCubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUB Draft of LSVCubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
UBRG Draft of LSVCubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WURG Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUBR Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUR Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WURG Draft of LSVCube with InitiativeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUBRG Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
WUG Draft of Mengu CubeDrafted by Lotusgardener
Page 1 of 3+