Decks (61+)
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WUB Draft of Rof's CubeDrafted by Japicx
WUB Draft of The Basement Peasant CubeDrafted by Japicx
WUR Draft of J&D's CubeDrafted by Japicx
BR Draft of J&D's CubeDrafted by Japicx
UR Draft of The Basement Peasant CubeDrafted by Japicx
UB Draft of Team Pauper CubeDrafted by Japicx
UBRG Draft of MetacubeDrafted by Japicx
WRG Draft of MetacubeDrafted by Japicx
WUBRG Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Japicx
WBR Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Japicx
UR Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Japicx
WUBR Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Japicx
WR Draft of The FUNdamentals CubeDrafted by Japicx
RG Draft of The FUNdamentals CubeDrafted by Japicx
RG Draft of High Power ShenanigansDrafted by Japicx
WBR Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Japicx
BR Draft of Team Pauper CubeDrafted by Japicx
RG Draft of Team Pauper CubeDrafted by Japicx
WUBRG Draft of Team Pauper CubeDrafted by Japicx
WUBR Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by Japicx
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