Decks (85+)
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UG Draft of The Tempo CubeDrafted by EliteBook
UB Draft of The Low Curve Synergy CubeDrafted by EliteBook
BRG Draft of CubertDrafted by EliteBook
WUBRG Draft of Planeswalker funDrafted by EliteBook
WR Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by EliteBook
WUBRG Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by EliteBook
UB Draft of Ivanneke's cubeDrafted by EliteBook
WUBG Draft of The Voltron Synergy CubeDrafted by EliteBook
WUG Draft of Uncommon CubeDrafted by EliteBook
WBR Draft of ForvergreenDrafted by EliteBook
URG Draft of Lemem's Unpowered CubeDrafted by EliteBook
WUBRG Draft of Sammich's Power CubeDrafted by EliteBook
U Draft of The BUG Sammich! Drafted by EliteBook
UBR Draft of Clone of Gero's cube v. 2Drafted by EliteBook
WR Draft of Eden CubeDrafted by EliteBook
BRG Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by EliteBook
BG Draft of The Peasant Cube 2024Drafted by EliteBook
BRG Draft of Vintage Cube in Testing - 540Drafted by EliteBook
R Draft of Curated Chaos Draft CubeDrafted by EliteBook
WG Draft of Ezrin's Pauper CubeDrafted by EliteBook
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