bootyflute0 followersFollow
Decks (22)
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WB Draft of B-Team CubeDrafted by bootyflute
WBG Draft of Midrange CubeDrafted by bootyflute
UR Draft of Midrange CubeDrafted by bootyflute
BRG Draft of [360] Vintage CubeDrafted by bootyflute
UBR Draft of Ted's CubeDrafted by bootyflute
WU Draft of DuncubeDrafted by bootyflute
UBR Draft of Best of 2022 LimitedDrafted by bootyflute
UR Draft of The Simple CubeDrafted by bootyflute
BR Draft of Jund CubeDrafted by bootyflute
WUB Draft of The Tempo CubeDrafted by bootyflute
UBR Draft of Pauper Pimp CubeDrafted by bootyflute
WURG Draft of Pauper Pimp CubeDrafted by bootyflute
WB Draft of MTGO Artisan Cube 2021Drafted by bootyflute
UBRG Draft of Khans Expanded Cube by Elliot RaffDrafted by bootyflute
WUBRG Draft of The Pauper CubeDrafted by bootyflute
WBG Draft of Introductory Draft CubeDrafted by bootyflute
WBR Draft of Clone of MTG Arena Cube, December 2020Drafted by bootyflute
WU Draft of Clone of MTG Arena Cube, December 2020Drafted by bootyflute
BR Draft of Clone of MTG Arena Cube, December 2020Drafted by bootyflute
WBR Draft of Modo Vintage CubeDrafted by bootyflute
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