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FizzyWizzy0 followersFollow
Decks (17)
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WUBRG Grid Draft of MTGO Vintage CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WUBRG Draft of Redacted CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WUBRG Draft of MTGO Core Set CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WUBRG Draft of Modo Vintage CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WUB Draft of Modo Vintage CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WBR Draft of Archetype Cube v4.0Drafted by FizzyWizzy
WG Draft of Legendary CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
U Draft of Mono BlueDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WUR Draft of Modo Vintage CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
URG Draft of Modo Vintage CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WUBRG Draft of Wizzy CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WU Draft of The Miser's CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
C Draft of Devoid CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
BG Draft of Masters MastersDrafted by FizzyWizzy
BR Draft of Masters MastersDrafted by FizzyWizzy
WR Draft of Oostmalle²Drafted by FizzyWizzy
UG Draft of Slice CubeDrafted by FizzyWizzy
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