Latinerd0 followersFollow
Decks (30)
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UBG Draft of Latinerd's Cube (physical version)Drafted by Latinerd
WB Draft of An A(rche)typical CubeDrafted by Latinerd
WUBRG Draft of An A(rche)typical CubeDrafted by Latinerd
UG Draft of An A(rche)typical CubeDrafted by Latinerd
UBRG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WBRG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WBG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WBG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WB Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WUBR Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
B Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
BR Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WUBRG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WUBR Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WUBRG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
UBR Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WUBRG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
WUB Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
UBRG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
UBRG Draft of Twisted Color PieDrafted by Latinerd
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