Kapernaumov19 followersFollow
Decks (147+)
Page 1 of 8+
WBR Draft of Graveyard Shift [4 Player Bar Cube]Drafted by Kapernaumov
BG Draft of The Penrose CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
BR Draft of The Penrose CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
WBR Draft of Arcane LessonsDrafted by Kapernaumov
WBG Draft of The Penrose CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
UBR Draft of Zaknafine0's CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
WUBRG Sealed of The Altered Cube Drafted by Kapernaumov
WB Draft of The Char CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
WUBRG Sealed of The Emerging Cube 芙蓉出水Drafted by Kapernaumov
WUR Draft of Jazz Waltz V2Drafted by Kapernaumov
URG Draft of The Standard CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
WB Draft of 2 cent cube - 360 versionDrafted by Kapernaumov
BR Draft of The Penrose CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
WB Draft of Funky SpiralDrafted by Kapernaumov
BR Draft of Lorwyn RemasteredDrafted by Kapernaumov
WUB Draft of Pit CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
UBG Draft of Bad CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
WUR Draft of AlattaDrafted by Kapernaumov
RG Draft of Bad CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
BG Draft of The Penrose CubeDrafted by Kapernaumov
Page 1 of 8+