wmakkers0 followersFollow
Blog Posts (10+)
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  • 6 person playtest - Overall a success just doing minor tuning
  • Going to test doing 2 rares per pack next time
  • Several players raised wanting some mythics just because they like the chance to gamble for it
    • Also some players wanted more bombs to speed games up a bit
  • As a result; Dropping 5 commons to add 1 of each season
    • using this opportunity to try to balance the types
    • 1 less mouse puts it at 25 total
    • 2 less lizards means they're at 27 total
    • 1 less frog means they're at 27 total
    • dropping 1 Run away together, there's nothing else to drop in blue, rats are at 25, birds at 23
  • Swapping hoarder's overflow for blacksmith's talent the talent feels more like a draft card than hoarders to me
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
  • Forgot i need to have 18 lands so its a feasible 6 person cube
  • Removing 1 heirloom epic so i can keep the shortbow in
  • 4 person playtest
  • One player had manafixing issues multiple times, adding more uncharted havens to help with that
  • One player was able to play black uncontested, hoping more colour fixing will allow players to splash to prevent this
  • Adding a short bow just to increase mouse support & also cause i'm hoping to see shrike force + short bow
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