Black and colors have been updated, the big overhaul is done! Stax is gone from the cube, since it wasn't very good unless you really had all the cards. Instead, black is now leaning more towards midrange-aggro and even has some cards that fit with the UW blink theme.
Artifacts have mostly been updated with better versions of similar cards, like Kaldra Compleat over Sword of Feast and Famine.
The multicolored section has been updated. Many tri-colored cards have simply been removed. Many double-colored spells were simply updated to better versions.
Green has finally gotten an update as well, nearly there!
I've mostly trimmed the fat, added a stronger landfall theme in the form of cards like Bristly Bill, Spine Sower and updated/replaced some of the big creatures with more versatile cards.
With some delay, red has been updated! Nothing too shocking (pun intended) except for a decent boost in power level (looking at you, Pyrogoyf!). Storm is moving slightly out of red with regards to rituals, but Bonus Round is still there and Elemental Eruption actually seems like a pretty hefty upgrade! Time will tell whether the red rituals can be missed.
Blue has been updated!
Mostly just straight upgrades/sidegrades. The big mana blue spells have mostly made room for modal spells and simply lower cmc cards. Thassa's Oracle is also out again (for now), as it did not seem very popular.
Mostly just straight upgrades, giving white a more aggressive slant over taxes. Initiative cards have been added as they also work great with the UW blink theme. Hopefully the payoff for creating tokens is also a bit stronger now.
More to follow soon!
January update of the cube (combined with the previous update in the history tab), more to come shortly I hope! Mostly getting rid of cards that were power crept out.
As an experiment I took out the Splinter Twin/Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combo in favor of Doomsday and Displacer Kitten as combo enablers. I felt Twin was not getting drafted despite being open so let's give this a shot.