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Adding two Alchemy cards that are easily done in paper. The Ultimus has seen play and has done well.

Upgrading Elspeth.

Out: Myrkul, Lord of Bones
In: Betor, Kin to All
Myrkul needs more enchantment and/or ETB support to really shine, while Betor looks like it can still trigger even without focused "butts matter" support.

Out: Intellect Devourer
In: Gonti, Night Minister
Intellect Devourer had high variance in its effectiveness and was easy to play around--it was common for its player to end up with lands and even miss out on cards if an opponent had no cards in hand.
I'm concerned that Gonti might be too powerful, since he triggers for every creature that hits, but I think it's worth a try.

Out: Sygg, River Cutthroat
In: Invasion of Amonkhet
IIRC, EDHRec listed Sygg as one of the most popular Dimir cards when I originally built the cube, which is why I included it. However, its small body and inconsistent effect have been underwhelming. Invasion of Amonkhet, meanwhile, synergizes with more cards in the cube.

I never actually swapped out Trostani for Karametra, since playing with Xenagos showed that the Theros gods' indestructibility is difficult to deal with. Trostani probably isn't powerful enough to be a compelling option when drafting commanders, but I haven't found a better option as yet.

Sol Talisman: A disappointing play after the first couple of turns and wasn't worth it even in decks with cascade. Not fun or powerful enough to include.

Rogue's Passage: Unblockability is a really powerful effect and there aren't a lot of ways to deal with problematic lands, so I'm taking this out. Manifold Key is on my watch list for similar reasons, but there are more ways to deal with artifacts, so it's staying in for now.

FDN Loot: Looks like a potentially fun card in this cube.

  • Dualcaster Mage was too good with clone instants/sorceries. (Unsurprising in retrospect.)
  • Xenagos' indestructibility allowed him to easily take over games and addressing that would require adding a lot of narrower cards to the cube. Shifting Minsc and Boo to commander status and adding in Escape to the Wilds to fill the RG slot.
  • Pako and Haldan weren't getting any play and Storm looks like she could be a lot of fun. (Possibly OP, TBH.)
  • Korvold was too OP, so I'm trying out the Shattergang Brothers
  • Call for Aid got played once, only showed up with 2 players left, and has been shunned since.
  • Nautiloid Ship is the only "exile an entire graveyard" effect, and I'd prefer to keep gy hate to one-offs.
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0

Augur is more generally useful than Gix, with some interesting gameplay decisions.

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0

Didn't see much play, so I'm moving it to a different cube.

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