tl;dr Curses felt bad and needed you to be both applying curses and keeping yourself alive. A lot of Sagas provide value while also giving you a board. blue/green is usually the grindy value colors so putting it in Mardu felt appropriate here. Especially since a lot of the sagas provide tokens or bring creatures from the graveyard for other archetypes
The cube needed an aggro deck and I was kinda unhappy with the existence of the Vehicle deck, so it got replaced. But in the spirit of the cube this isnt standard aggro but drawbacks aggro to really push the powers of the cards.
Temur Aristocrats had more of a ping theme that got removed through a combination of high Mana Values and not wanting red to have burn. Because of this a lot of its identity was lost and became more of a generic sacrifice support archetype. This restoration gives it a theme of sacrificing to make bigger bodies than what you sacrificed
I was pretty unhappy with the state of Jeskai Reanimator basically just being standard UR Artifact Reanimator. With the release of Disturb in Innistrad Midnight Hunt I felt there was enough UW graveyard stuff to warrant a rework into Embalm + Eternalize + Disturb for more of a self-recur Jeskai deck. Which should work a lot cleaner with Temur Aristocrats sharing two colors. This update is missing Patrician Geist, Covetous Castaway, and Overwhelmed Archivist from MID which will be added when possible