Don't want to be trying out cards for CubeCon. Replaced with old reliables. List now completely matches paper for the event.
I'll be at CubeCon this year and this cube will be featured in the main event. Happy to talk about and play old-bordered, cube, and everything in-between.
Don't want to be trying out cards for CubeCon. Replaced with old reliables. List now completely matches paper for the event.
Goal of the change is to cut down on more niche strategies and bolster existing.
I didn't like Replenish much. It is a rare for many enchantments to get into the graveyard naturally. Blue can help make that happen with cards like Attunement and Intuition, but the enchantress deck usually needs to be heavy Green. I may try it again in the future, but would need to tune blue to have more enchantments.
Prismatic Strands has never hit the mark. It rarely works out well and is usually an over-costed spell to save one creature.
Befoul and Aftershock feel like a bit too much mana, not worth the flexibility. Replaced one with Ice Storm so land destruction wasn't hurt too bad.
Tahngarth didn't feel great. Another card that rarely works out well while Skizzik and Ancient Hydra can always deliver.
Imperial Recruiter has been waning in power with changes over the years. He really isn't too exciting at the moment with the absence of Goblin Welder and goblin typal.
Ancestral Mask has felt okay. It can certainly give the enchantress deck one huge creature. But if that creature doesn't have any evasion it rarely got there before a kill spell was found for it.
Junk Diver was bad. Just rarely works out right.
All of the cards coming in have been in the cube at least once in the past. Focus is on bolstering current strategies.