"It is not worthwhile to go around the world to count the cats in Zanzibar."
-Some philosophy guy I read in school
6 players: 4 packs of 12
5 players: 7 packs of 8 or 4 packs of 14 (reveal the 8 missing cards)
4 players: 8 packs of 9
This is a combo cube, where "combo" is taken as its broadest possible meaning. At least, that's the goal anyway. There are five themes - Artifacts, Enchantments, Creatures, Graveyard, Spells - each of which is present in 4 or 5 colors. There are then a bunch of 2-5 card packages and combos scattered about. Color fixing is scarcer, but any given piece of fixing is applicable to more than just 2 colors. The cube features some modified cards, these are marked in purple, and have a potion set symbol on the card.
Packages & CombosDoomsday, Persist, Madness, Reanimator, Mill, Bounce Combo, Cheat, Blink, Storm, Self Mill, Stax, Birthing Pod, Paradox Combo