Gotta Go Fast
(392 Card Cube)
Gotta Go Fast
Cube ID
Art by Johann BodinArt by Johann Bodin
392 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by MrDarno
Mana Pool$335.74

Modern Tempo-Aggro style cube

Trying to create a very interactive combat trick/counter based cube. Cube will focus on Innistrad, Khans, and Amonkhet mechanics. Overall the cube is meant to be very fast and aggro is represented throughout all colors and color combinations

MAJOR UPDATE for Innistrad Midnight Hunt. Blue and Black receive a much needed boost

Graveyards will matter for spells and creatures, along with flashback mechanics.

Any suggestions and constructive comments are greatly appreciated

NOTE: If you draft the cube, please save your decks with any comments/thoughts :)

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