I would like to cast cards that I enjoy casting and not cast cards I do not enjoy casting
Design Goals:
- See Title
How is This Cube Played:
"The Yab" will be drafted primarily by auction draft (3-6 players), with occasional 6-8 person pod at roughly a 2:1 rate.
This is a cube that can and will be drafted at least once a week, so it needs to provide variable play experiences. This is expressed through being at 450, with potential to go to 520 if desired, as well as color combinations supporting multiple archetypes.
The cube is designed for my playgroup of mostly experienced players and spikes. The rate of players is around 3:1 for spikes to johnnys. I've left in some things to be "solved" by Johnny, such as greedier pile decks with synergies, but these are also cards that spike will desire for their efficiency.
What are my restrictions:
No constraints on printings, budget, or card availability.
Singleton on all but fetches.
Opposition is my pet card.
How powerful do I want my cube to be?
-Unpowered + no pure combo decks
-Goal is to be somewhere around "Gimmickless unpowered" - somewhere between full boomer cube and fairmax
-Cards such as Call of the Herd should be viable.
-Under/overperformers are okay as auction draft can correct for a few imbalances in powerlevel between the best and the worst card - as long as most cards are in the same powerband.
How does your ideal environment play?
-Magic is at its most fun to me when decisions are plenty and decks can have modal game plans. My favorite strategies are generally tempo-based.
-Board stalls are OK, fast combo wins are not.
-Manascrew/flood are to be avoided via cantrips, MDFCs, and other ways to manage land expectations.
-Decks should be anywhere 1c-3c, with the ability of a 3/4c greed drafter to punish those not taking lands highly enough
-Variance in gameplay is great, I want things fresh week to week