Pauper 540
(540 Card Cube)
Pauper 540
Cube ID
Art by Douglas ShulerArt by Douglas Shuler
540 Card Pauper Vintage Cube5 followers
Designed by punintended
Mana Pool$217.58

wu Tempo: -- Fliers -- ETB -- Blink --

Gain incremental advantage by blinking or flickering your own permanents and get more mileage out of their ETB effects. You take charge of the tempo of the game and overwhelm quickly.

ub Control: -- Reanimator -- Discard -- Sacrifice --

Utilize strong discard/sac effects alongside cards with Unearth, Flashback, or similar abilities to negate the downside. Overwhelm your opponent in the long game with efficiency and card advantage.

br Tempo: -- Tokens -- Sacrifice -- Graveyard --

Make and army of tokens and overrun your opponent with a strong go-wide aggro strategy, or utilize your plethora of creatures to abuse strong sac outlets and grind your opponent out.

rg Aggro: -- Tokens -- Pump -- Ramp --

Overwhelm with a go-wide strategy, or go tall with big, beefy creature that you can grow with pump effects like Giant Growth or Wildsize

gw Tokens: Go-wide -- Pump

Swarm the board with small but persistent threats, as well as an army of tokens. Stack anthem effects and enchantment-based buffs to go wide or tall aver your opponents battlefield.

wb Control: Enchantments -- Pestilence -- Tokens

Excellent removal and ways to grind out the game can be found in this color pair. Great survivability and resiliency can also be found, as well as strong control finishers to close out the game on your terms.

ur Tempo: Spellslinger -- Blitz

There are a few different ways to play this color pair, but all of them involve you casting spells. A lot of spells. So many spells. Grow your creatures with spell casting or just use them to burn your opponent to death. If you want efficiency from your instants and sorceries, you'll find it here.

bg Compost: Sacrifice -- Tokens -- Recursion

The graveyard is really your strongest resource. Buy back creatures to your hand after your cycled or sacrificed them for some value, and keep churning through those resources. What is dead may never die...

rw Aggro: Tokens -- Equipment

White and Red have the highest concentration of 1 and 2 drop permanents, and the lowest overall mana curves in the cube. Together, they look to swarm the board with small creatures and swing in with combat damage, aided by anthem and pump effects.

gu Ramp: Mana Ramp -- Fatties

Lands, mana dorks, and late-game payoffs are the way to play this color pair. The creatures are bigger, the spells are expensive, but rarely will you find a stronger late-game presence.

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