From the 180 Artifact Twobert I made a 192 version (for minimal variance) but for local games upped the card count to 270. This allows for 6 player draft and higher variance in 4 player pods.
I'd probabbly mark the OG 180 to be able to sort them out for a 2 player tighter experience.
Every color has a few ways to interact and thus no one color is strictly better at removal. The low amount of colored cards makes it easier to play many combinations but overall the archetypes are: (note that they heavily bleed to one and other; however gameplay is vaied enough that despite this you'll be able to create and face against distinct strategies)
White: cheap creatures for aggresive starts.
Blue: Reactive spells and long-term value.
Black: Payoffs from sacrifice and creates single threats.
Red: Agressive Modified creatures.
Green: +1/+1 counters and ramp.
Colorless: It has a bit of everything but a construct/thopter deck can be made.
Azorius: Vehicles
Dimir: Animate Artifacts
Rakdos: Voltron modified
Gruul: Persist combo / Midrange
Selesnya: Go wide and go big
Orzhov: Aristocrats
Izzet: Tokens
Golgari: Grow creatures by sacrificing others
Boros: Enhance aggro
Simic: Grind value
Esper: Vehicles + control
Grixis: Graveyard synergies control
Jund: Midrange
Naya: Attrition
Bant: Golem Splicers
Mardu: Suicide Squad
Temur: Heavy control
Abzan: Outlasting threats (pun intended)
Sultai: Living huge artifacts
Jeskai: Racing Vehicles
5 color: Chamber Sentry loops