the final cube down
(386 Card Cube)
the final cube down
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
386 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by delabj
Mana Pool$1351.85

This is the cube that I kept talking about making, but never did. So since the lockdown, I took all my piles of cube ideas, mashed them together and made this monstrosity.

There are some themes in the guild pairs and looser themes in shards and wedges. Wedge colored cards tend to be pet cards. There's not a ton of direct support for 3 color decks.

Allied Pairs

wu Blink
ub Steal-your-stuff
br Sacrifice
rg Lands matter
gw Enchantress

Enemy Pairs

wb Aristocrats
ur Spells Matter
bg Sacrifice? Tokens?
rw Aggro
gu Value


wub Look, I just wanted to play with dakkon
ubr Spells Matter storm lite
brg Lands Matter
rgw Zoo
gwu Enchantress


wbg Value
urw Non-creature Spells matter
bgu villinaous_wealth.dec
rwb Arsitocrats
gur Cascade

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