One Toughness Cube
(432 Card Cube)
One Toughness Cube
Cube ID
Art by Matthew D. WilsonArt by Matthew D. Wilson
432 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Maramas
Mana Pool$1069.35

Welcome to the One Toughness cube!

We've all been there before.

It's turn 6 of your kitchen-table magic game. Both players have three creatures out. All of them have big butts, and there are no profitable attacks. You're scratching your head, hoping to draw something - anything - to break the board stall.

But what if... every creature died to a single hit?

The One Toughness cube:

Mission Statement: Every creature in the cube must have one toughness. No abilities may directly increase a creature's toughness. Any creature tokens created must also have one toughness.

What Follows: When every creature is an X/1, many facets of the game change drastically. Creatures with first strike are almost guaranteed to kill whatever comes in their way. Trample is going to hurt a lot. 1/1 tokens are no longer chump blockers; they are deadly caltrops. Oh, and actual Caltrops? Banned to power. Just like Tim, who now reads "t: Destroy target creature."

This cube is built heavily around the combat step.



w White
  • Weenies, tokens, token weenies, etc.

u Blue
  • Flying, card draw, counterspells... oh wait, that's just what Blue usually does.

b Black
  • Giving something -1/-1 is really good in this cube.

r Red
  • The most similar to its usual playstyle.
  • Lots of blocking-disincentivizers (trust me, that's a word)
  • Ball-lightning variants are fun.

g Green
  • Access to more mass-token-makers than the other colors.
  • "Fatties" have to be special, because spending 6 mana on something that dies to a one-drop feels bad.
  • Mana Dorks are much worse and much better than usual. They are worse because your "fatties" all have one toughness and die to a stiff breeze, but they are also much better than usual because they can block and kill almost every creature in the cube.

  • Figure them out yourself!
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