Wish Cube
(432 Card Cube)
Wish Cube
Cube ID
Art by Wylie BeckertArt by Wylie Beckert
432 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube3 followers
Designed by calkabouter
Mana Pool$3686.17

This is an unpowered/Legacy+ cube, with the following design goals:

  • Create diverse and balanced drafting and gameplay experiences
  • Enable a wide variety of decks and strategies, including the macro-archetypes of aggro, midrange, control, and combo – each with many forms
  • Promote a creative, interactive, and highly re-playable cube environment, while maintaining a compact cube size

These goals are helped along by the Wish house rule:

Wish effects put into your hand a copy of any legacy-legal card within the wish parameters (like the "conjure" mechanic on MTG Arena). This also applies to Wish-like effects such as Richard Garfield, Ph.D. and Killer Cosplay.

When drafting, it is suggested to maximize the number of cards seen by the players, regardless of player count, by increasing pack size and/or drafting more than 3 packs. To speed up the draft, players can burn the last several cards of each pack and/or "supreme draft" (pick 2 cards from each pack).

Archetypes Combo

These packages can overlap with each other, or with other archetypes such as Control or Midrange. Supported combos range from popular cube archetypes, such as Reanimator or Twin, to less appreciated archetypes such as Doomsday and Ascendancy. The featured cards for each archetype below provide a flavour of what may be possible.


Combine cantrips/rituals/wheels, ending with a Wish effect for a storm card, or chain Wish for ritual + wish effects using Bonus Round


Doomsday can be played as the centrepiece of a dedicated combo/control deck with Thassa's Oracle or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries as win conditions, or as a tutor to assemble other combos. There are several draw effects, including a few for free: Gush, Gitaxian Probe, and Edge of Autumn.


A classic cube archetype, this can be built around a few different lands and support pieces, including Dark Depths, Field of the Dead, and Urza's Saga. Thespian's Stage is a natural combination with these. Strip Mine finds its way in and out of the cube list. Since there are a large number of nonbasics, Wasteland and even Ghost Quarter with cards that permit playing more lands can be effective.

Land Tutors:

Land Recursion:


The core pieces can be supported by Goblin Engineer and Goblin Welder. Urza, Lord High Artificer generates infinite tapped thopters.


Welders are based in r, but artifact synergies exist with Thopter/Sword and Krark-Clan Ironwworks-based decks. Tinker exists to improve consistency of the artifact strategies, but the most powerful targets are avoided.




A cube classic, including the usual suite of enablers and reanimation spells. The creature suite avoids Eldrazi and instant-win effects, though Griselbrand and Archon of Cruelty come closest.

Sneak & Show

These cards can supplement the Reanimator strategy, or go purely ur with more card selection and controlling elements. Again, the most powerful targets are avoided, but the targets available should be able to generate a major advantage.


Based in wbg, supported by tutor effects including Birthing Pod, Survival of the Fittest, and Killer Cosplay.

Persist creatures:

Persist enablers:

Free sacrifice outlets:


Another classic, this ur strategy can win out of nowhere under the right circumstances, but can also be interacted with easily through removal. w can be splashed for Restoration Angel (which only works with the Kiki-Jiki half) and white's controlling elements.




Wheel effects and draw-prison effects combine to create a threat that can easily slot into any controlling deck. Also works on a smaller scale with Dack Fayden targeting the opponent.

Prison pieces:


Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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