Mini Midrange Artifact Cube
(190 Card Cube)
Mini Midrange Artifact Cube
Art by Kev WalkerArt by Kev Walker
190 Card Cube4 followers
Mana Pool$447.32

Artifact cube designed to be played with Winston, grid draft, and other 2-to-4-player draft formats. Type of cube you might play on a train or something.

My basic philosophy is that most 2-player draft formats tend to lead to generic, soupy midrange decks, and it can be hard to assemble more linear synergies. So I am just fully leaning into those limitations. Every deck is playing artifact synergies, and every deck is playing some kind of midrange-y strategy. Card flexibility is the #1 priority for this list.

To encourage quick games and portability, this cube has no deck searching, no tokens, and an extremely punishing mana base (it's all City of Brass baby!). Decks can be 4 or 5 colors, but watch out!

Games in this cube are fast, spiky, and cutthroat. Playing it kind of feels like eating salt and vinegar chips.

This cube works great with:
-Winston draft
-Winchester draft
-Grid draft
-Pack wars
-Battle box and cubelet style formats (just pull out all of the lands and have at it, I'd also recommend maybe taking out Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain and Mystic Forge, they are pretty stupid in battle box)
-Whatever janky shit you and your friends like

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