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Winnieblues Pauper Cube 360
(360 Card Cube)
Winnieblues Pauper Cube 360
Art by ChippyArt by Chippy
360 Card Pauper Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by Winnieblues
Mana Pool$127.58

Pauper cube (including a few commons baned in Pauper)

Supported arechetypes:

Drafting mono colors is possible, but with the fixing available it's often worth at least splashing for any bombs!
w: Agro (go-wide tokens OR go-tall equipment/auras)
u: Control (draw, counters and bounce)
b: Control/Devotion for Gray Merchant
r: Agro (go-wide tokens and burn)
g: R A M P

w-u: Flicker
u-b: Control, Evasion + Ninjas
b-r: Sacrifice
r-g: Big mana and X Spells
w-g: +1/+1 counters
b-w: Reanimator, Extort attrition
b-g: Graveyard value
g-u: Gross Simic stuff (ramp and card draw)
u-r: Instants/Sorceries matter
r-w: Go-wide tokens and pump spells

wub: Artifacts matter

wubrg: Green-based Goodstuff

This cube incudes cards that have been printed at common rarity at least once (in paper or online), and includes cards banned in constructed pauper.

The cube is ever evolving and is regularly updated, cards that are often last picked will be identified and replaced.

The cube can support up to 10 drafters (although between 6 and 8 is best), each opening 3 'packs' of 15 cards. The 'packs' can either be created with random cards, or crafted to present a more consistent color distribution (which makes reading signals eaisier).

There are a small number of cards in the cube that could be considered "mythic commons" due to their outstanding power level or flexibility, they include: Sprout Swarm, Rancor, Disintegrate, Rolling Thunder, Cranial Plating, Leonin Bola and Viridian Longbow.

There are three dual lands for each color pair in the cube, including the cycle of 'Bounce Lands', which are very very powerful (essentially counting as 2 lands in 1 if used properly). The Artifact-Duals help provide critical mass for the 'Artifacts Matter' deck.

There are also several other color-fixing lands, including Evolving Wilds, Ash Barrens, Terramorphic Expanse and the cycle of 'Thriving' lands from Jumpstart and Gates. The cube is full of powerful cards, it is very rare that you will lack playable cards for your deck, so spending picks on color-fixing lands to make your deck more consistent is a great strategy.

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