(540 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
540 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by geekgardener
Mana Pool$3244.28

My quest to create a serviceable cube experience, in which everyone starts with a Goblin Welder in play.

Philosophical premises:

  1. Discovery is fun
    • Playing with unorthodox cards creates novel situations
    • Uncovering hidden interactions and utility is exciting
    • "Sweet" combos are more enjoyable than "broken" combos
  2. Goblin Welder should matter, but should not generate massive card advantage
  3. As many cards as possible should be useful for multiple themes
  4. For the challenge in design, and for the simplicity of the ruleset, no added rules like "Welders can't die"
  5. Welders should generally stick around, so stay away from removal and sweepers that hit them (looking at you, Pithing Needle and Pith Driller)
Themes Tribes & Changelings (w u b r g c) Changelings abound!

As do ways to use them!

5-color Get to 5 colors

Look for payoffs in

Populating the graveyard (u b r g c) Putting artifacts in your graveyard gives more options for your Welder

Purging the graveyard (w u b c) Manipulating the cards in your own graveyard can take choices away from your opponent's Welder

Ramp (g c) Hit big payoffs

Cheat into play (u b g c) Bypass the ramp and cut to the chase

Bogles (w-g) Ways to pump that matter even with Welders around

And creatures to amplify them

Artifact combat (w r b) Flood the board with artifacts and put the pressure on

Stompy (r-g) Play oversized and hard-hitting creatures

Mill (u c) Deck your opponent

Or mill yourself

Tap-down (w-u) Tap down big creatures or gain Welder tempo

Get hell-bent (r-b) Empty your hand quickly

Aside from putting the pressure on fast, look for these rewards

Burn (r)

Untap (u) Ramp, combat utility, more Welder activations

Germs (b-w) Living weapons come and go and move around

But they have a habit of leaving germs behind

Mainboard Changelist+0, -0
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