Unexperienced Cube
(540 Card Cube)
Unexperienced Cube
Cube ID
Art by Wayne ReynoldsArt by Wayne Reynolds
540 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Fralum
Mana Pool$615.57
Cube Overview

The idea for this cube is to create a mid-power, mid-complexity environment to introduce casual mtg players to cubing. My plan is to keep updating the cube regularly introducing new cards and mechanics as my playgroup gains familiarity with the format.


My Budget is quite limited, the most expensive cards in this cube are ones I already owned prior to construction.

No Planeswalkers, I just don't like the way they play, placing too much importance on tempo to be able to answer them with creatures and giving control decks a "free" way to generate value every turn.

Non-evergreen keywords and mechanics are limited to a few easy to understand ones that promote healthy gameplay scenarios like Flashback and Kicker and are repeated throughout the cube, no one-offs.

The manabase is mostly taplands both for budget concerns and I also would like playing many colours to have a cost, disincentivizing 5 colour good stuff decks.


I didn't want deck contruction to be too limited so I sprinkled in a myriad of sub-archetypes but there is an "Intended" one for each colour pair.

w-u Blink Control: Controls the board with counters and removal and generate value by repeating powerful etbs. Key cards: Blink targets Blade Splicer, Wall of Omens, Cloudblazer Blink enablers Brago, King Eternal, Restoration Angel, Ghostly flicker

u-b Infiltrator Tempo: Kill, bounce and counter your opponent's creatures to get powerful effects by hitting the opponents with yours. Key cards: Infiltrators Jhessian thief, Hypnotic Specter, Shadowmage Infiltrator Removal Unsummon, Vendetta, Into the Roil Other Payoffs: Sygg, River Cutthroat, Coastal Piracy, Curious Obsession

b-r Sacrifice Aggro: Cheap recursive creatures + sacrifice enablers + death trigger payoffs = dead opponent, you can even sac their stuff if you don't like giving up yours. Key cards: Two-for-one creatures Goblin Instigator, Burglar Rat Token generators Goblin Rabblemaster, Ophiomancer, Bitterblossom Sac Outlets Carrion Feeder, Goblin Bombardment, Falkenrath Aristocrat Sac payoffs Judith, the Scourge Diva, Midnight Reaper Steal and sac Threaten, Captivating crew

r-g Midrange: Early acceleration into big 3 to 5 mana plays. Key cards: Early mana Llanowar Elves, Birds of Paradise Midrange creatures Radha, Heart of Keld, Flametongue Kavu, Biogenic Ooze Ramp payoffs Omnath, Locus of Rage, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames

g-w Auras/Enchantress: This deck can either be an aggro deck, sticking cheap auras on creatures with hexproof, protection spells in hand or a midrange/value deck abusing constellation triggers from white enchantment removal and green enchantment ramp. Key cards: Aura recipients Gladecover scout, Kor spiritdancer Cheap auras Rancor, Ethereal Armour Protection spells Vines of Vastwood, Shelter Constellation Archon of Sun's Grace, Enchantress's Presence, Sigil of the Empty Throne Enchantment removal Pacifism, Oblivion Ring Enchantment ramp Wild Growth, Khalni-Heart Expedition

w-b Aristocrats/Lifegain: Abuse repeatable etb/death lifegain triggers with recursive creatures and tokens. Key cards: Death trigger engines Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat Etb engines Soul Warden, Suture Priest Lifegain payoffs Archangel of Thune, Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, Speaker of the Heavens Sac outlets Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, Priest of Forgotten Gods Token generators Pawn of Ulamog Recursive creatures Reassemblin Skeleton

b-g The Rock: The Archetypal midrange deck, hand disruption and mana dorks, good removal and good creatures can support a multitude of buildaround themes, land recursion, graveyard matters, aristocrats. Key cards: Discard Spells Inquisition of Kozilek Value creatures Ravenous Chupacabra, Acidic Slime Tokens Saproling Migration Lands in graveyard Ramunap Excavator, The Gitrog Monster, Harrow Sac Evolutionary Leap Moldervine Reclamation

g-u Landfall Ramp: Ramp hard and abuse landfall triggers. Key cards: Extra lands Explore, Explosive Vegetation Landfall payoffs Tatyova, Benthic Druid, Zendikar's Roil Ramp targets Avenger of Zendikar, Stormtide Leviathan, Origin Pulse

u-r Spellslinger: Blue gives card draw and counters, Red gives removal and burn, both have prowess creatures. Key cards: Cantrips Preordain, Brainstorm, Faithless Looting Bolts & Shocks Lightning Bolt, Electrolyze Cheap counters Spell Pierce, Mana Leak Prowess Monastery Swiftspear, Stormchaser Mage Spells matter Young Pyromancer, Talrand, Sky Summoner

r-w Go-Wide Aggro: Play a bunch of small creatures and pump them. Key cards: Tokens Raise the Alarm, Hordeling Outburst Payoffs Glorious Anthem, Rally the Peasants, Heroic Reinforcements, Hellrider

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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