Long ago, as my mother was drafting, she idly wished that she could have a dual land instead of her fourth Tainted Sigil. Unfortunately, as she did so, she was already thinking about pack 3-- and was therefore rubbing her lucky Wishclaw Talisman. The card, spiteful over being Deadly Disputed one too many times, put a curse on her. Or, rather, it gave her exactly what she asked for. She could visit the land station all she liked, but miraculously there would be no mountains, no swamps, no islands-- only guildgates. Her opponents would never wonder why she had seven Simic Guildgates in a draft of SNC, why everything she touched turned to gold in color identity-- they would only pummel her with their smooth mana curves and untapped lands. She put up a strong facade, but those who knew her knew the pain behind her eyes, the yearning to play just one game of Magic where both players were playing by the same rules.
As she grew sickly, I set out to design a cube we could play together. I publish it here, dear reader, so you can understand her plight. You, like her, can take as many guildgates as you like from the land station-- but no basics! Feel the joy she felt fifth-picking basic Mountain, the sorrow of dying with two-drops in your hand. There are synergies lurking, if you dare to assemble them, but watch out for the cube's aggressive slant-- don't succumb to the weight of gold!
A budget artisan cube with an aggressive slant despite its multicolor theme. The land station has no basics, but infinite guildgates. Some synergy pockets exist (e.g. Infect-style double strike, Eidolon discard).
With four players this cube is probably great, so long as you're doing "pick one, then trash one" every pick.