The Weebcube
(630 Card Cube)
The Weebcube
Cube ID
Art by Howard LyonArt by Howard Lyon

A large partially proxy altered cube, aiming for an enjoyable cube experience between friends. This is the main cube that I usually run in my playgroup.

Focused archetypes are abandoned in favour of the general aggro/control/midrange/ramp, as archetypes generally fall apart at this large size due to lack of density. There is definitely some light 'seasoning' of sub themes but nothing more. Colours should do what is most intuitive for them at the most generic level, aiming to be more approachable than complex in terms of gameplay.

Combos and combo oriented play (Reanimator/CheatIntoPlay/Twin/Upheaval/Burning/Oracle) are supported but are meant to be subthemes of an overall deck rather than the all in main focus, as more often than not the cards are good stand alone. Drafting more generically is key due to the large size, as high density is impossible. Tunnel vision can and will lead to bricking.

All the proxies I generated myself. If you are an artist and want a piece of art I used taken down, please contact me immediately so I can do so. The proxies in this cube are hand made and printed, and I have no intention of selling or distributing them.

Updates are mainly on hold due to the pandemic.

Foiling Progress:
23% Non Foil,
45% Foil,
32% Proxy

Berander posted to The Weebcube -
Mainboard Changelist+3, -89

The cube was originally built in mind to support at least two pods. Due to that not being a realistic reality, the cube is being slowly (but surely shrunk). First to 630 then maybe 540. It's been a while so neeed to see where the format is at. Cutting alot of lowly picked gold, planeswalkers, filter land cycle and cards I didnt have in the cube during the stocktake.

As I havent been keeping up with MTG releases due to the avalanche of new products, will set a legality Limit ending at MH2.

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