The Warsaw Peasant Cube
(360 Card Cube)
The Warsaw Peasant Cube
Art by Zack StellaArt by Zack Stella
360 Card Cube5 followers
Designed by marcinkruk
Mana Pool$122.77

This is my peasant cube, where I explore play patterns I enjoy. My playgroup is located in Warsaw, Poland. Hit me up if you need the discord invite, where events featuring this cube are organized.

I know some people scoff at prescriptive archetypes description in the cube overview, however I found that that is what many players expect to be told before they play a cube. Anyway, here's the...


wu Blink value wu

ub Control with mill win condition ub

br Sacrifice br

rg Big dudes beatdown rg

gw +1/+1 counters gw

wb Smallanimator (with some reanimator) wb

ur Spells ur

bg Graveyard bg

rw Monocolored aggro with a splash rw

gu Tempo gu


card updates

Making some vibes changes:

  • Gut too strong, let's try a mh3 2-drop
  • phyrexian missionary feels like it might slow down games too much with 3 toughness and lifelink. Sun-blessed healer looks like a good replacement.
  • psychic spiral swap to teferi's tutelage based on players feedback trying to make mill work.
  • unable to scream feels cooler than weakstone subjugation
  • tizeus charge felt off, a 4 drop with flashbacka should serve black better overall
  • skymarcher aspirant: ascend felt like a burden to track and rarely significant, giving white a Mana sink instead in recruitment officer
  • whirlermaker felt slow, levitating statue seems like a cool card for control decks
other ideas

Planning to try clockwork librarian as pack 1 seed next draft

overall cube update

I'm planning to wait with the next update for the end of the year when the cards printed in 2025 have some time to establish themselves. I might do some minor polishing taking player feedback into account, but I refrain from impulsive updates every set or so.

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