A high powered environment supporting the basic strategies Aggro, Midrange and Control with an emphasis on different archetypes and high synergies between cards.
Some cards like unconditional fast mana and busted PWs are banned simply because of their power level. Additionaly non-traditional card types and effects are excluded: Planes, Conspiracies, Initiative & Dungeons, Battles and the Monarch. I also try to avoid DFCs and one-off abilities for an easier to understand drafting process, but some of them always find their way in.
Right now there is excellent fixing in the form of all 10 ABUR Duals, 10 Shocklands, 10 Fetchlands, 10 Triomes, 10 Landscapes and another 10 Guild lands (mostly the Survail Lands). Most decks may end up two colors, but splashing a third one should always be possible.
Combo is right now NOT a supported archetype and there are no cheat into play strategies: Reanimator, Sneak Attack, Tinker, Natural Order and the like.
Blink and Control
Play control, counter stuff, exile stuff and win with Teferi, Hero of Dominaria or Overlord of the Mistmoors or flicker your creatures for even more value.
Unblockable and Control
Classic control with Counterspell and Toxic Deluge or focussed on creatures with evasion.
A variation of aggro where you sacrifice creatures and tokens to drain your opponent's life total slowly but steady.
Classic Stompy Midrange strategy that can also go big with Vaultborn Tyrant and Etali, Primal Conqueror.
Low curve. Tax and disrupt your opponents.
Tempo and Big Spells
You can either go big with Sublime Epiphany and Torrential Gearhulk or play the low to the ground tempo variant.
Graveyard Matters
Fill your graveyard with Malevolent Rumble and benefit from Recurring Nightmare.
Classic mono red, mono white and Boros Aggro. Attack and burn you opponent down from 20 to 0.
Lands Matter
Play lots of lands from your hand or graveyard with Ramunap Excavator and Crucible of Worlds and win with Titania, Protector of Argoth. Or lock your opponents out with Wasteland and Strip Mine.
Artifacts Matter
Ramp into big artifacts with the help of smaller artifacts and get rewarded with Urza, Lord High Artificer and Kappa Cannoneer.
Soup & Domain
Play all the cards you want and try to outvalue your opponent. Green is kinda must have in this deck with Birds of Paradise, Noble Hierarch and Ignoble Hierarch. You can get rewarded with Field of the Dead and Golos, Tireless Pilgrim.
Build around Cards
Different cards to build around, maybe not always the most effective, but for sure a lot of fun.
There are of course more possibilites in the cube and you can combine any colors to build a working deck, but this should give a good overview.
Shadowspear gone missing. Temporary switch from Spear to Serpent untile the replacement arrives..