Modern Multicolor

Cube ID
Art by Joseph MeehanArt by Joseph Meehan

540 Card Modern Cube

Designed by VyolynceRSSQR Code

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Modern-legal Cube where every nonland card has a multicolored color identity (per Commander rules). Decks usually end up around three colors but the lands are diverse enough that you can get away with some generous splashes. On the flipside, there is only one cycle of mana rocks (all 10 Keyrunes) so take your lands and other fixing highly.

Here's a brief tour of the major themes offered in the Cube at the moment (note: representative cards depicted here may not accurately reflect their actual versions in the Cube):


The primary archetype of w-u, often Esper or Jeskai. Tried and true, go over the top of your opponent's defenses.


Secondary w-u archetype that pairs well with just about any third color. Cast spells from places other than your hand, and/or at times when you normally shouldn't be able to.


A lot of u-b creatures are hard to block. Finding payoffs for getting them through will be worth your while. Often Esper or Grixis.

Your Opponent's Deck

With all of the Rogues present in u-b, it's only natural that some of your opponent's cards will "go missing". Mostly Grixis, although some fun Sultai builds will approach from a slightly different angle (see: "Clone Factory," below).


Feed your expendable creatures to others for profit. Centered in b-r but typically at home in Mardu and Grixis.

Berserker Legions

ATTACK! Use removal and menace to clear a path for your aggressive b-r minions. If some should fall in battle, well that's just part of the plan. Obviously most often Mardu, although Jund can also work.


Power out large threats before your opponent can deal with them. Based in r-g, often Temur or Jund.

Ferocious Power

r-g-based strategy most often seen as Temur or Naya, appropriately. Bigger is better!

+1/+1 Counters

Primary plan of g-w, although can easily branch into Naya or Abzan.

1/1 Tokens

Create an army of 1/1s that will very rarely stay that small. Based in g-w, this strategy can pick up just about any third color comfortably.

Bleeding Enchantments

Counting to 20 one precious life point at a time, w-b will bleed you dry if left unchecked. Keep threats off your back with pacifying Auras and other enchanting bonuses and watch your opponent wither away. Both Esper and Abzan do this well.

Small Reanimation

Value reanimation package based in w-b, usually Mardu. An Abzan strategy will probably reanimate larger creatures (see Self-Mill, below).


Classic u-r archetype, usually Jeskai or Grixis. I try to include effects beyond those that only care about instants/sorceries but the bulk of them will still fall under that restriction.

Double Up

Whether drawing two cards or casting two spells (or both!), u-r really likes to double-dip. Just about any other color can get in on the repeat action with the right build.


Dump cards into your graveyard, then do things with them — or leave them there for even more value. What could be more b-g? Almost always Sultai, although reanimation strategies are available with any third color.

Big Butts/Spiders

b-g creatures are hard to kill with damage, especially the creepy-crawly ones. Hold the line, then watch your opponent collapse once you've set up your web. Abzan or Sultai are equally likely here.

Go-Wide Aggro

Turning a numbers advantage into overwhelming amounts of damage, the classic r-w draft plan. Any third color is viable.

Oops! All Lightning Helixes

Ok, I admit this is a weird one, but r-w has a ton of direct damage effects that also gain you life. Basically the "burn" strategy in this cube. Typically expressed as Mardu (hello, Smiting Helix!) or Jeskai.


Base-g-u combination strategy of ramping lands and Elemental synergies. Frequently Temur, with some interesting black splash options.

Clone Factory

If it's worth doing once, it's worth doing again. And again. And again! Pick up some other token-based synergies along the way and begun, the Clone Wars have. Goes well with any other color with stuff worth copying, although be aware of Legendary creatures in your builds.


You can find Dragons all over the Cube, although mostly in Jund colors. It doesn't take many to incinerate the opposition.

There are also a few minor subtype themes scattered around (Cats, Vampires, etc.) and other sub-strategies (Legendary matters, mutate, etc.). No combo should be infinite (although it's possible I missed something), and milling your opponent isn't a common route to victory unless they're getting greedy with the card draw.

Finally, one thing you won't find here is equipment. I'd love to have some, but most multicolored equipment is either hyper-specific, bad, or Sunforger (way too strong in this environment).

With only a handful of multicolored cards, Foundations was never going to add a ton to this cube. Heck, several of the cards in the set are ones I've already cut. Nothing really grabbed my attention, although Fiendish Panda and the new Alesha came close.

So instead I've looked back to the plane of Theros for a few powerful options and a pet card of mine more in line with current cube themes.

Joining Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury will be the THB OGs, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath. Uro will support the g-u Lands theme over Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy, while Kroxa will finally seal the fate of perennial bubble-dweller Charforger. These three Titans should add a bit more oomph to the overall power level but shouldn't bee too oppressive.

Finally, a bit more support for w-b Enchantments as Underworld Coinsmith returns to the cube, ousting Drana's Emissary who is better at prolonged bleeding but less synergistic overall.

Up next, Aetherdrift will be looking to race some vehicles into contention, but traditionally vehicles and multicolor don't mix well so we'll see.