The Valley Peasant Cube
(540 Card Cube)
The Valley Peasant Cube
Art by Sarah FinniganArt by Sarah Finnigan
540 Card Peasant Cube2 followers
Designed by SCOOTLAND
Design Considerations

To be added...


2 Colour:

wu - Major: Blink, Control. Minor: Tempo, Drake Combo

ub - Major: Reanimator, Mill, Tempo. Minor: Control

br - Major: Aggro, Sacrifice. Minor: Midrange, Rack

rg - Major: Monster Stompy, Midrange. Minor: Persist Combo

gw - Major: Tokens. Minor: Persist Combo

wb - Major: Tokens, Sacrifice. Minor: Control, Reanimator

ur - Major: Spells Matter, Tempo. Minor: Burn

bg - Major: Graveyard Value, Dredge. Minor: Reanimator

rw - Major: Aggro, Power >2. Minor: Tokens

gu - Major: Ramp. Minor: Self-Mill

3 Colour:

gwu - Major: Blink. Minor: Control

wub - Major: Control, Reanimator. Minor: Tempo

ubr - Major: Spells-Matter Aggro Minor: Control

brg - Major: Ramp, JUND-midrange. Minor: Aggro, Combo

rgw - Major: Stompy, Equipment-Matters. Minor: Midrange, Combo

wbg - Major: Combo-Central. Minor: Midrange

urw - Major: Aggro. Minor: Burn, Tempo

bgu - Major: Dredge, Reanimator. Minor: Lands-Matter

rwb - Major: Aggro. Minor: Control

gur - Major: Ramp. Minor: Midrange

Combos to be aware of:
(Note: While combos are cool and a part of the cube, the cube is not focused on combos. Do not warp your picks around picking combo pieces as it might not work out.)

Drake Combo = Infinite Mana & ETB Triggers (NOT SUPPORTED)


Infinite Mana Outlet
Rolling Thunder = Infinite Damage
Duskwatch Recruiter = Draw all creatures
Prava of the Steel Legion or Sprout Swarm = Infinite tokens
Capsize = Bounce all opponents permanents (Including Lands)
Harrier Strix = Draw through deck
Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage = Infinite 3/3s or infinite populate

Rosie's Tree of Squirrels = Infinite Squirrel tokens and/or Eldrazi Spawn tokens


To end the game; add a sac outlet (Carrion Feeder) and a card like Blood Artist or a card that does both like Blasting Station to deal infinite damage. In the case of Basking Broodscale, not only do you generate infinite c but only a Blood artist (or equivalent) is needed to win the game as the Eldrazi Spawn tokens can sacrifice themselves.

Persist Combo = Infinite Death/Sacrifice Triggers


To end the game; given your persist creature is not Murderous Redcap, you'll need a card like Blood Artist on board in order to win the game.

Reanimate "Combo"
Faithless Looting a Breaker of Creation, Trostani's Summoner or other big bomb. Then Reanimate, Life // Death, Animate Dead or any other early reanimation spell for a large win condition as early as turn 2.

Optional Lore Seeker Pack
Lore Seeker
Stirring Bard
Avenging Hunter
Feast of Succession
Passageway Seer
Vicious Battlerager
Arakocra Sneak
Feywild Caretaker
Undercellar Sweep
Fall from Favour
Palace Jailer
Skyline Despot
Thorn of the Black Rose
Marchesa's Decree
Goliath Paladin
Crimson Fleet Commodore

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