Islamabad's Unpowered Cube
(576 Card Cube)
Islamabad's Unpowered Cube
Cube ID
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
576 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube19 followers
Designed by Islamabad
Mana Pool$6033.61
Unpowered Fairmax Vintage Cube

This cube aims to keep an overall high power level while simultaneously maintaining a broadly fair gameplay. It features multiple themes like Flicker, Aristocrats or Reanimator within the four big archetypes: Aggro, Midrange, Control and Combo.


There are a whole bunch of cards that I excluded from my cube for various reasons. Here's an overview of the currently banned cards.

Absurdly fast Mana
These cards generate way too much Mana too fast. A turn 2 four-drop or a turn 3 six-drop is really hard to deal with. They also deprive green of one of it's key advantages.

Overpowered cards
These cards are just way too good at what they are doing. Therefore they shall not be seen in my cube.

Unfun Cards
These cards are not necessarily too strong, but can create miserable situations at the receiving end.

2-Card-Instant-Win Combos
I also consider these kind of combos as unfun. If the other player doesn't have an instant answer, the game is just over. The exclusion of these cards also means that I don't need to play mediocre cards like Pestermite or Deceiver Exarch.

Efficient Tutors
Tutors often lead to repetitive gameplay, which I don't like. A certain amount of randomness and luck makes the cube experience exciting and increases replayability.

Efficient Land Destruction
I also consider these spells as unfun because they deny one player to play the game and often lock them in an unwinnable situation.

Ways to cheat fatties into play (except Reanimator)
These are essentially 2-card combos that don't end the game on the spot, but put the opponent in a very awkward position, where they have to have the right answer the following turn or they'll most likely lose. With the exclusion of this archetype I don't need to include parasitic fatties like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre or Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

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