This cube is called the Silver Age cube for the second major card frame redesign. The Silver Age cube has the restriction that only cards using the card border starting with Eighth Edition and ending with Conspiracy will be used. Anything printed on cardboard with the frame is fair game. Synergies are centered on guild pairs since RTR was the block that I enjoyed the most and is what sparked this whole project.
Rules for the Cube:
360 Card Singleton
No rarity restrictions
Goodstuff > Synergies
The synergies are as follows:
Azorius = Blink
Dimir = Opponent's GY Matters
Rakdos = Self-Sacrifice
Gruul = Stompy Creatures
Selesnya = Wide Tokens
Orzhov = Reanimator
Izzet = Spellslinger
Golgari = Your GY Matters
Boros = Tempo Creatures
Simic = Ramp to Bigstuff
In-Depth Guide below:
This cube is not high on synergy but high in power. Drafters can look to draft 1-3 color decks in a typical draft leaning more towards efficient goodstuff with some light combos that may be unexpected depending on the colors splashed. Essentially, 1c decks will be more consistent with limited synergies while 2c & 3c decks will struggle with consistency at times but can outpace efficient goodstuff if properly constructed. The descriptions herein will highlight the color pairs and their general strategies but there is enough flexibility in the draft environment to have some interesting cross-pollination in decks that risk 3-5 colors. Enjoy!

Blink and you’ll miss it. This strategy is admittedly not heavily supported but the few pieces that fit into this archetype mesh well with the bombs of this cube. If you can get a blink engine going, it is nearly impossible to stop. The time required to get the necessary pieces on board makes Azorius decks lean control to stall the game until you get the cards you need to blink your bombs. While Blade Splicer and Geist-Honored Monk are obvious targets, Journey to Nowhere can give you flexible removal, and Augur of Bolas can be blinked to give you early card advantage. Where you can really go crazy is in splashes; Armada Wurm, Obzedat, Ghost Council, Progenitor Mimic, and planeswalkers are all fair game as long as the mana falls in your favor.

All your graves are belong to us. The House Dimir are masters of deception and manipulation. Instead of bashing your opponent’s face from the front, stab them from behind with their own graveyard. To filter though the deck for your main pieces, Dimir has evasives to support its draw engine before you hit any of the bombs like Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver or Dimir Doppelganger. In a cube with cards like Griselbrand, Wurmcoil Engine, and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, you’re likely to grab a gem in their graveyard given enough time. Like the other guilds, a little bit of cooperation goes a long way. Splash a bit of white for some reanimator flavor or maybe some green to get access to Tarmogoyf or Splinterfright who care about graveyards.

Witness me blood-bag! I shall ride with you to hell all bloody and cloned! While aristocrats can be parasitic, having a light texture of sacrificial grovel can go a long way. Cards like Ophiomancer or Bitterblossom give you creatures to feed into cards like Viscera Seer, Blood Artist, or Sarkhan the Mad. Dump all of your creatures to a sac outlet or on defense just to bring them all back with a timely Underworld Cerberus which will net you way more than your opponent. Rakdos can end a game quickly or transition into a midrange game if the initial onslaught doesn’t stick. Some adjacent synergies include creature tokens from White or Green, reanimator, and graveyard shenanigans

Unga-bunga, me go face. Slap, stomp, and sucker-punch your way to victory with some premium creatures solely designed to get that life total from 20 to 0 real quick. If Huntmaster of the Fells sticks, you win. If you get a Thragtusk in the field with Kiki-Jiki sitting in your back pocket, you win. You drop a Thundermaw Hellkite against plenty of blockers, you win. Gruul is the one who knocks, forcing the opponent to scramble for answers while cooking up some answers of its own. Gruul is creature vanilla but you can get a sprinkling of dork ramp to get going faster, go the token route with a splash of white, or take your opponents to the cleaners with a splash of blue




