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Urban Fantasy Cube
(500 Card Cube)
Urban Fantasy Cube
Art by Cyril Van Der HaegenArt by Cyril Van Der Haegen
500 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by DrChillbrain
Mana Pool$2255.70

In the wake of industry, magic has been forgotten beneath the urban sprawl. Practiced only by a secretive group of cultists, users of Magic seek out remote corners of the city where raw Mana can still be found, harnessing it in their dark rituals.

In the Urban Fantasy Cube, you cannot add basic lands to your deck during deckbuilding. However, you can add as many copies of Crumbling Vestige as you want, and basic lands appear in the draft. This flavor-first cube challenges players to examine the mana system in a new way, evaluate cards differently during the draft, and sequence their plays carefully to get value out of their cards.

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