(524 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Milivoj ĆeranArt by Milivoj Ćeran
524 Card Silver-bordered Set Cube4 followers
Designed by ewatson
Mana Pool$96.00

A vanilla Unstable cube, attempting to closely mimic a retail Unstable experience.

Try out the default draft to see how it looks in action.

If you like Unstable but don’t like bothering the people around you so much then I have made a custom draft for that too.

  • 4x common (exception: 20x secret base, 4x of each watermark)
  • 2x uncommon
  • 1x mythic/rare (foils)
  • 3x common
  • 2x uncommon
  • 1x rare/mythic (foils)
Making packs
  • 9x common
  • 3x uncommon
  • 1x rare/mythic
  • 2x contraption, random rarity
  • Keep contraptions in a different colour sleeve.
  • Keep the cards separate from the contraptions
  • Keep each card rarity separate.
  • Keep the maybeboard variants separate.
  • Keep the annoying cards separate. (optional)
  • Shuffle the commons, keep separate.
  • Shuffle the uncommons, keep separate.
  • Shuffle the rares/mythics, keep separate.
  • Shuffle all of the rarities of contraptions together, keep separate.
  • If there are as many variants as copies of a card in the cube, we use one of each variant.
  • If there are more variants than copies in the cube, we just use our favourites.
  • We don’t use duplicates of the same variant, instead preferring variety.

The remaining variants are visible in the maybeboard and should be kept separate. Pick the ones your playgroup prefers for your cube.

Bother a player outside the game cards

I have tagged the 23 cards that encourage you to bother people outside of the game with the “annoying” tag. You can keep these cards separate if you don't want to play with them.

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