Unfinity TTS Cube
(329 Card Cube)
Unfinity TTS Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mike BurnsArt by Mike Burns
329 Card Silver-bordered Set Cube0 followers
Designed by kippermydog
Mana Pool$74.24
The Tabletop Simulator Unfinity Cube

This is a small cube made with select cards from Unfinity, designed to work in digital programs, primarily Tabletop Simulator. Cards with effects such as requiring physical dexterity or outside assistance are not eligible (Pietra, Crafter of Clowns is the main exception, posting a joke in a groupchat and getting a πŸ˜‚ will count, or just tell the joke to your opponent). Cards with timing restrictions like Trivia Contest are also ineligible, as playing over an internet connection might make that kind of wonky.

The cube is perfect for groups of up to 8 players who want to play Unfinity limited but can't gather in person. Each Unfinity booster has 7 Commons, 3 Uncommons, 1 Rare, and 2 Attractions

CommonsUncommonsRares / MythicsAttractions

Stickers are handled with decals. Mobile Clone works by taking a screenshot of a card, then uploading that image as a tile object. You are considered to be wearing a hat if your Steam avatar is wearing one.

Now in Cubelet form:

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