Main Cube

Cube ID
Art by Anastasia OvchinnikovaArt by Anastasia Ovchinnikova

450 Card Legacy Cube

Designed by ALiveRSSQR Code

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This is the first cube I've built and the only one I currently own in paper.

The list and philosophy of it are loosely inspired by Dekkaru's Cube. Specifically, I've tried to cut degenerate archetypes as much as possible, while trying to keep the power level relatively high.



This cube supports aggro in white and red. Black is also built aggressively in order to be a good support color for this kind of strategy.


Control is strongly featured in white and blue, while also having a good support color in red. Red can also be played alone as Big Red, with the main plan involving Wildfire and Burning of Xinye. Cruel Ultimatum and Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker are also in the cube as strong Grixis Control finishers.


It's actually very difficult not to support midrange in cube and this cube makes no exception. Powerful value cards are distributed among all colors and I've tried to keep the power level of the answers high.


As mentioned before, I've cut many combos from the first draft of the cube, but some still remains. Notable combos are

  1. Mindslaver + Emry, Lurker of the Loch/Academy Ruins
  2. Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts/Restoration Angel
    There are also some very powerful sinergies in Urza, Lord High Artificer + Winter Orb, Ramunap Excavator + Strip Mine, and strong build-around cards like Wilderness Reclamation, Upheaval and Opposition.


Ramp is, of course, green territory. Primeval Titan is in the cube, as well as two Eldrazi as finishers. Two other powerful finishers/build-around for ramp are Golos, Tireless Pilgrim and Genesis Ultimatum.


The following is a list of some specific draftable archetypes of the cube.

r Big Red

The goal of this archetype is to keep the board clear of creatures and denying our opponent of mana, in order to win with a big splashy spell or with powerful planeswalkers. To achieve the first step, watch out for cards like

This archetype has a natural cross sinergy with artifacts. Our mana curve is usually higher than normal, so we need ramp spells, which usually comes in the form of Signets, Basalt Monolith, Coalition Relic, ecc.
You should also remember that Burning of Xinye, Wildfire and even Nevinyrral's Disk do not affect planeswalkers! This means that, for instance, with Daretti, Scrap Savant you can set up a loop with Nevinyrral's Disk to continuously blow up the board.

wu Blink

Blink is a creature-based archetype, focused on gaining a big advantage on the back of powerful enter-the-battlefield (EtB) effect

and by constantly repeating them with cards like

Despite being centered primarily around the UW combination, both Green and Black are solid color in support of the archetype. Black gives us powerful EtB effects in Gonti, Lord of Luxury, Shriekmaw and Ravenous Chupacabra, while providing a good blinking effect in Kaya, Ghost Assassin. Similarly, green has good EtBs in Acidic Slime, Kitchen Finks and Reclamation Sage, recursion with Eternal Witness and "blinking" effects with Bramble Sovereign.

wbr Aristocrats

This archetype takes its name from the cards Cartel Aristocrat and Fanlkenrath Aristocrat, the latter being in the cube. The power of these creatures sits in the fact that they can be used as repeatable sacrifice effects, which can be activated at instant speed. These can be abused in conjunction with powerful death abilities and/or recursive creatures.

When drafting an Aristocrats deck, it is important to have a good mix of enablers (i.e. sacrifice effects), such as

sacrifice fodder, like

and finally good payoff, such as

bw Reanimator

Reanimator is a primarily black strategy, with cross sinergy in almost every other color. The main idea is to find a way to send to our graveyard a big creature, like

and then to cheat it into play thanks to cards such as

This can be done very quickly, potentially by turn 2! For this strategy to work it is then of utmost importance to find good cards which help us fill the graveyard. Luckily, there are plently of options: Faithless Looting, Entomb, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, etc.

wubrg Birthing Pod

Pod decks can be extremely strong or extremely weak, hence it's important to know how to read the signals during the draft and what to prioritize. Let's start from the main engines

At least one of these cards is needed to build a good Pod deck. A Pod deck is usually creature based, and its main strength is adaptability: you should be able to always find the right silver bullet to deal with your opponent's deck. The three cards above are crucial to this goal.

Draft tip: You should always prioritize picking Birthing Pod. On the other hand, Prime Speaker Vannifar, being multicolored, usually tables. Plan your picks accordingly!

Once the main engine is established, you need to find good creatures which have a strong impact on the board (Eternal Witness Solitude Restoration Angel Deep Forest Hermit). However, don't focus too much on always picking the best creature! Playing some manadorks and having a good mana base is also very important for this kind of decks.

Finally, you can set up a win in many way. Either with blink cards, or using clones (Saheeli Rai, Phantasmal Image), or locking up the board (Prophet of Kruphix, Mystic Snake), or even setting up a giant Living Death!

g Lands

[To do]