Inspired by the vibes of Bar Cubes and the indulgence of the Live the Dream Cube, this cube was constructed to be approachable for casual Magic players while still feeling like a powder-keg of potential waiting to explode in every match.
Everyone should have a cube that's full of good cards they like playing with. This is mine.
Design GoalsThis cube has five simple themes. Each theme is predominant in one colour, with support cards in each of the other colours.
OTJ and the associated sets have introduced a lot of fun cards, especially for the Paradox theme in this cube, and I also wanted to steal more cards from the Live the Dream Cube. This may be the biggest update this cube ever receives.
I've also renamed this cube to the Typical cube. "Simple Pleasures" was the original name when I was still idealizing it as a non-wordy cube. At some point, I made the Elementry cube and pivoted this one away from simple effects so I could include more pet cards, leading it to evolve into more of a "cards I like" pile. I'm happy with where the cube is at for now, but the name was too dissonant to leave.