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Type-4 Draft Cube
(374 Card Cube)
Type-4 Draft Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
374 Card Cube4 followers
Designed by sergiodeloraine
Mana Pool$2333.30
Type 4 cube

Type 4 is a format also know as limited affinity. The basic premise is that you have infinite Mana of each color at all times but you can only cast 1 spell a turn. My cube is made to be drafted.
Draft is usually Four 10 card packs with 35 card decks and 5 card side board.
Starting hand size is 5 and there is no hand limit.

Special Rules

First: If you cast a spell from anywhere other that your hand it does not count as you're 1 spell. Other zones would Include from exile example Escape to the wilds, foretell, (saw it coming) , the Graveyard, (Worldheart Phoenix), Also abilities that allow you to cast cards from the graveyard like Flashback, (Volley of Boulders) , Aftermath, Escape, or Jump-start.
Second: Any card casted for an alternate casting cost does not count as your spell per turn, This includes: Surge, (Comparative Analysis), Bestow, (Chromanticore) , Mutate, (Illuna, Apex of Wishes) ,
Madness, Evoke, etc.
Reminder Abilities like Cycling (Resounding Roar), Embalm, (Honored Hydra) , Encore, (Phyrexian Triniform) and Ninjutsu are not casting a spell so it never interferes with the 1 spell per turn.
Basically if you cast a spell from your hand without an ability it counts as your 1 spell.


I have broken down colors into archetypes with cards included that support those archetypes. Because of the nature of type 4 cards actually color identity does not matter just their role in their perspective deck.


This is the classic tempo style deck turned up to 11. Basically by using flash threats Cloudthresher, Creatures who double as removal Mystic snake, and "Free" Creatures (those that don't count as your spell for the turn) Girder Goons you can pressure your opponents life total right from the get go and as they say tempo them out.
Draft around cards
#1 Keruga, the Macrosage This is a 1st pickable cards and a deck with this bad hippo as the front running is crazy strong. Grad every single card that needs a creature in play ex every bestow card, Ninjitsu card, and equipment. then load up on a control shell. top tier power level.
#2 Resounding Roar, Increasing Savagery, and Skarrg Goliath, these cards all scream alpha strike. you get just a little chip from burn or some "free" creatures and wham GG.
#3 finally all the tempo creatures. Mystic snake, Obscura Interceptor, Solitude, and many more. building a deck full of these guys is exactly what tempo is trying to do throw in some countermagic /removal and you are off to the races.


Spellslinger these card all revolve around casting Instants and Sorceries instead of creatures. Pretty self explanatory mage go burrrrrr.
Draft around cards
#1 Splicer's Skill, and Everdream these two cards are 1st pickable. if you get these bad boys online it breaks countermagic and removal and leads to easy W's.
#2 Copy spells Mirari, Increasing Vengeance, Echo mage these cards all scream prophet. each and every one is a must counter most of the time as they completely take over the game with any extra turn spell, Burn spell, or ultimatum.
#3 Metallurgic Summonings, and Deekah, Fractal Theorist these are the two best ways to turn every single removal spell or card draw spell into a win condition. Both are A tier and are basically must answer.


This is the graveyard section. This section covers all the creatures who come back from the yard, or put themselves there to come back. This archetype has a lot of facets. The main and "all in" style deck basically has as many creatures who return themselves as possible and as many ways to discard as possible.
Build around cards
#1 Dread Defiler yes this is just one card but I will go out on a limb and say this is the single best card in the whole cube. It ends the game instantly almost every single time it is resolved and being able to flash it in pretty easily from the graveyard makes this almost ban worthy.
#2 Bazaar of Baghdad, Nephalia Drownyard, Golgari- Gravetroll all these cards are hard to interact with and get your engine going. these are all 1st pickable and after you snag even one you can draft anything that is playable from the yard.
#3 Makeshift Mannequin, back for more, unburial rites, and all the other ways to reanimate. This is the ultimate synergy build. Every other archetype that has key creatures love these spells because they get them back and give them a sudo flash. Grabbing these is great for almost any other strategy.

r Burn

This is the burn section. Pretty much all burn is meant to go face in type 4 to end the game ASAP. These cards love the u spellslinger cards also the ru card draw spells. Using Dash/Blitz creatures as basically a "free" damage spells can put a crazy amount of pressure on the opponent very quickly.
Build around cards
#1 Urza's Rage, Searing Wind, Unit the Coalition, these are all 1st picks for almost anybody nailing the other guy for 10 at instant speed is huge. basically if you see these cards pick them almost no matter what.
#2 All the blitz/Dash creatures. These creatures are basically "free" burn spells and incredibly easy to slot into a spot and get value out almost always. If you can nab a few of these guys early you have a burn deck almost ready to go. You other damage to the face gets very scary very quickly.
#3 Well besides splashing in a burn spell or 3 into a spellslinger deck or tempo deck as the big finish there isn't much else to say about burn. Almost all Blitz creatures are amazing and the big burm spells are the best Killbots in the game.

g Bid Dumb Dudes

These are all the big creatures who are there to blow stuff up or smash face. These guys are there to force counter magic/removal early so you can clear the way to your payoff cards or end the game outright if not dealt with right away.
Build Around cards
#1 The anti counter magic guys Spellbreaker Behemoth, Surrak Dragonclaw, Leyline of Lifeforce. Whenever your drafting some huge game ending creature your deck needs to be asked the question how do I get this in play? Well all theses guys will at least let them resolve and sometimes that's enough.
#2 Lets get flashy Alchemist's Refuge, Winding Canyons, Emergence Zone, Flash, Apex Devastator Again these guys all answer the question how can you get your fatties into play and they do it quit well.
#3 Just cheat them in escape to the wilds, Vizier of the Menagerie, Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast, etc. WHile these guys really don't do much in the face of extreme countermagic they do win almost all none control matchups its basically impossible for burn and graveyard to race multiple fatties hitting the table turn 1.

1 Removal/Counter magic

Self explanatory here. You need to stop the game ending fatties starting turn 1. I cannot stress enough that a healthy type-4 stack needs good/plentiful removal. IMO a hand without removal is usually just a dead mage that hasn't fallen over yet.

wubrg Multicolored

rw are board wipes pretty simple.
ru Are card draw spells.


Most of the Archetypes listed have similarities making "good" cards effective in many deck types. Payoffs are limited as the power level is so high a lot of "payoffs" are just ways to enhance the busted spells your already jamming.
There are plenty of cards that work in this cube I do not have entered as Price is important and I want to keep it down.


I intentionally tried to keep out restrictive removal, counterspells that only counter a specific kind of card type to make the cards themselves easier to understand exactly what they do. Also I try not use cards with text that is not relevant to the cards ability as this also makes it difficult to understand exactly what a card does ie Shefet Monitor also thanks Ward for being a ever green mechanic.
Another very important thing to keep in mind is trying not to include Auto win cards these would include things like the obvious Emrakul, the Aeons Torn or Dark Depths. To things that are just as oppressive but less obvious Increasing Devotion, Cragplate Baloth, Army of the Damned. Cards I would specifically call out as unhealthy and toxic to the stack are cards like Spelljack and Gather Specimens these cards tell players playing creatures is bad, not only that but a lot of the time with counter magic backup these card complete invalidate even drafting creatures at all because stealing your opponents is usually a far better game plan..
I try to frame all cards under the premise of my opponent plays this turn one what is the counter play.

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