Inspired by the MTGO extended Khans cube, I wanted to build my first cube based on my love for gold cards.
Each Shard has a focused archetype and a minor sub theme.
Abzan: +1/+1 counters with a minor legendary sub theme.
Temur: Ramp with copy/steal spells. Plays big mana spells.
Sultai: The value shard with a graveyard sub theme.
Jeskai: Tempo/Prowess and flying creatures.
Mardu: Cheap and efficient creatures. The Aristocrats.
Jund: Card advantage full of 2 for 1s, sacrifice sub theme.
Bant: Lands matter. Landfall/Awoken spells.
Esper: Blink theme with CITP creatures with a minor enchantment/artifact sub theme.
Naya: Tokens or beefy creatures.
Grixis: Control with a steal creatures/spells sub theme.
5 color: Play everything! Opportunity to play very powerful 5 color spells.