The Pauper Cube (MN)
(418 Card Cube)
The Pauper Cube (MN)
Art by Eric FortuneArt by Eric Fortune
418 Card Pauper Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by Feketelo
Mana Pool$115.91

This is my personal copy of The Pauper Cube originally created by Stybs and now maintained by The Pauper Cube Committee.
Full information can be found at:

Mono-White - White Weenie (Aggro) * Tokens and evasion backed by removal and pump effects

Mono-Blue - Control (Control) * Counter, bounce and draw cards until your bigger creatures can arrive

Mono-Black - Control (Control) * Kill everything and take over with graveyard recursion

Mono-Red - Burn (Aggro) * Burn spells, tokens and haste to overrun opponents

Mono-Green - Green Beats (Midrange) * A constant stream of the most efficient creatures and token-makers, with a few combat tricks
and fight effects

Azorius (WU) - Tempo/Value (Aggro) * Evasion, enters-the-battlefield effects and bounce/removal to outpace opponent (plus
flickering creatures for value)

Dimir (UB) - Control (Control) * Removal, card draw and recursion to take over; you P1P1 Pestilence, etc

Rakdos (BR) - Aggro/Value (Aggro) * Burn spells, removal and haste all piled up, with sacrifice effects and recursion for late
game push (with sacrifice payoffs and value)

Gruul (RG) - Tokens (Aggro) * Lots of tokens and effects to pump them all, plus burn and/or combat tricks

Selesnya (GW) - Tokens (Aggro) * Lots of tokens and effects to pump them all, plus combat tricks

Orzhov (WB) - Value/Control (Midrange) * Tons of removal and evasive creatures, with tokens, sacrifice effects and recursion

Izzet (UR) - Control/Tempo (Control) * Burn spells, evasive creatures and card draw to take over the game and hold on long enough
to win

Golgari (BG) - Value (Midrange) * Recursion and removal with sacrifice effects and big monsters late game

Boros (RW) - Tokens (Aggro) * Lots of tokens and effects to pump them all, plus burn

Simic (GU) - Ramp (Midrange) * Bounce opponent creatures as you ramp into big threats and fight effects; you P1P1 Capsize, etc

Bant (GWU) - Value (Midrange) * Enters-the-battlefield creatures with bounce and enchantment removal

Esper (WUB) - Control/Value (Control) * Enters-the-battlefield creatures with bounce and removal

Grixis (UBR) - Control (Control) * Every kind of removal and counterspell you could want, plus graveyard recursion

Jund (BRG) - Value (Midrange) * Great removal and creatures: JUND 'EM OUT!

Naya (RGW) - Tokens (Midrange) * Token-making effects and the spells to go with them

Abzan (WBG) - Control/Tokens (Midrange) * Powerful removal, some recursion and great use of sacrifice effects along the way

Jeskai (URW) - Control/Tempo (Control) * Splashing white evasion and/or removal into the blue-red spells deck

Sultai (BGU) - Control/Tempo (Control) * Enters-the-battlefield creatures and removal/bounce; you P1P1 Cavern Harpy, etc

Mardu (RWB) - Control (Control) * The best removal suite in the cube with a splash of recursion and sacrifice effects

Temur (GUR) - Value (Midrange) * Green creatures and value paired up with blue-red bounce and burn


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