Thanks for checking one of my cubes out! This is The Juniors, an unpowered cube that let's you draft all sorts of interesting decks like Storm, Lifegain, and even Mono Brown.
For every Learn card you draft, you can select (1) card in a lesson draft that occurs post draft between drafters that have taken learn cards. For dungeon cards, all dungeons are provided.
If you draft Squadron Hawk, you receive (2) additional copies.
Original companion rules are used.
Post-draft you may add 1 copy of Undiscovered Paradise to your deck.
Draft some ETB creatures and then flicker them for value with cards like Momentary Blink and Teleportation Circle. This archetype is centered in Azorius but can be drafted in all five colors.
Steal creatures for fun and profit. Make the opponent sad when you activate Agent of Treachery off of Hostage Taker blinks.
Frustrate your opponents with removal like Hurl Through Hell and Profane Command then dominate them with Rune-Scarred Demon. Splashable in blue and white.
Plop down an Goblin Anarchomancer and find some rituals with Reforge the Soul to go off with Aeve, Progenitor Ooze. Splash blue for draw 7s or Thousand-Year Storm.
Gain Life
Go infinite with Spike Feeder and Heliod, Sun-Crowned or trigger your Crested Sunmare with Kitchen Finks. Splash black for even more shenanigans.
Who needs life anyway? Fire up a Necropotence then gain all that life back with Archangel of Thune.
Cast a turn three Thought Monitor or grind out the game with Saheeli, Sublime Artificer. Is that a Platinum Angel and Trash for Treasure I see?
Go hunting with Chevill, Bane of Monsters and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. Touch your opponents with Gonti, Lord of Luxury and Vampire Nighthawk.
An early Sigarda's Aid paired with Fighter Class choosing Colossus Hammer. Hmmm I think I’ll equip my Fervent Champion.
Go big or go home with Urban Evolution, Alrund's Epiphany, and Regal Behemoth. Did you just cast an Apex Devastator?
Other themes: Go mono brown with Steel Overseer and friends! Fly away with Warden of Evos Isle and an army of angels led by Archangel of Thune. Cheat, cheat, and cheat some more with Elvish Piper, Arcane Artisan, and Ilharg, the Raze-Boar. Devote yourself to a cause with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Pelakka Wurm, and Cabal Coffers. Venture into the dungeon with Nadaar, Selfless Paladin and Varis, Silverymoon Ranger. Go Gigantic Green with Magus of the Order and Worldspine Wurm. Combo away with Felidar Guardian or Sword of the Meek.
My general rule is to use as many different cards as possible between my five cubes, while maintaining an interesting draft/play experience. My cubes can be viewed here: