The Peasant Cube
(720 Card Cube)
The Peasant Cube
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
720 Card Peasant Cube4 followers
Designed by AndriLor
Mana Pool$707.09

This is a peasant cube, A peasant cube is only allowed to contain commons and uncommon cards.

Why peasant? because I felt the need to limit myself in some way else I would probably end up attempting to make a power cube and I just can't afford that. I chose a peasant because some of my favorite cards are uncommon and it is fun to play with cards that are constantly getting better and better thanks to power creep in the game.

In this cube, all cards should be readable. I have a lot of different people in my playgroup, some are new to the game, some are veterans of the game, and to make the assumption that everybody knows what brainstorm does is not fair to everyone. So if I want to Alter any cards in this cube I have to make sure it is still possible to read what the card does.

The next sections are meant to help players understand the cube before drafting it, and I hope this will answer any lingering questions you might have. If you still have questions when it comes down to sit down and draft please don't hesitate to ask because we are all here to have fun.

Pack set up

I wanted signaling to be possible in this cube, so to achieve that I have pre-made packs using packs from cardamajigs and each pack is randomly put together while still holding true to the color scheme. Every pack includes the following: 2 White, 2 Blue, 2 Black, 2 Red, 2 Green, 1 Multicolor, 1 Colorless, 1 Lands, and 2 Random cards, for a total of 15 cards in each pack.

The math behind Pack set up

72015=48=\frac{720}{15} = 48 = Number Of Packs
482=9648*2 = 96
965=48096*5 = 480
480+48+48+48=624480+48+48+48 = 624
720624=96720-624 = 96
96/8=1296/8 = 12
96+12=108=96+12 = 108 = Colored
48+12=60=48+12 = 60 = Lands, Colerless, and Multicolor

Hybrid cards

Hybrid cards are cards that can be cast with one or the other color indicated like so u-b. Let's say middle draft you are past a pack containing Ashiok, Dream Render and this could be a signal that your opponent is not in Blue nor Black but which slot does this card belong to? the answer is both, This card could have taken the slot of a blue, black, or random slot. To make sure the math is not changed when a hybrid card is added to the cube it has to be added with another hybrid card of the same type, like Far // Away and Ashiok, Dream Render so to add a Hybrid mana card to the cube I have to add them in even numbers and make sure they are distributed corectly amongst the colors in pack creation.

Partner Cards

There are partner cards in the cube. What I mean by that is there are some cards that will always be together in a pack, so if you see one you know someone has taken the other one already, This is indicated with colored dots on the bottom lefthand corner of the card. Some are power full combos while others are fun interactions, it is important to note that it is possible to assemble other combos without retrieving both of the partner cards.

Here is a list of the current partner cards in the cube:

Potential decks

This section is to give you a sense of what is possible in the cube. This is though not the limit of what is possible. Thanks to the power of fixing and the fact there is a land in every pack means that 3 and even 4 colors decks have been created in the past.

wu: Flyers, Control
ub: Mill, Control, Reanimator
br: Sacrifice, Aggro
rg: Beatdown, Ramp
gw: Tokens, Counters
wb: Lifegain, Aristocrats
ur: Counter burn, Spell maters
bg: Reanimator, Ramp
wr: Tokens, Beatdown
gu: Counters, Ramp, Control

In conclusion

This is a Cube that I made for, and with my friends. If you feel like this was of any use to you in your own cube-making efforts I am pleased.

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