Theros Commander Cube v4.0.3
(480 Card Cube)
Theros Commander Cube v4.0.3
Cube ID
Art by Alayna DannerArt by Alayna Danner
480 Card Multiplayer Commander Set Cube8 followers
Designed by AaronMosh
Mana Pool$562.80
Welcome to the plane of Theros, please enjoy your stay!

This Commander cube includes cards from Theros, Journey into Nyx, Born of the Gods, Theros Beyond Death, and some unique Theros-themed cards from other sets. Additionally, it contains cards with ambiguous names, art, and flavor text to complement primary set cards, while simultaneously drawing on the themes of Ancient Greece. All cards were meticulously chosen to stay on theme within these guidelines.

While the cube sticks to pretty strict thematic guidelines, there's still some room for flexibility and creative interpretation. For certain slots that are harder to fill, I've used cards that fit the theme, even if they require a bit of a looser take on the core principles.

Important drafting notes:
  • There are 24 packs, each containing 20 cards.
  • All Mono-color Commanders have the “Partner” ability.
  • Planeswalkers can serve as your commander.
  • The starting life total is 40, and commander damage is 21.
  • Sideboards are your leftover draft cards and Commanders cannot be swapped.
  • For each type of token generated, there are physical tokens available.
  • A copy of Echo of the gods, Star Compass, and Commander's Sphere are available for all players to use. (See the custom cards section at the bottom of the overview for more details on Echo of the gods)
Drafting rules:
  • Players draft 3 packs.
  • Choose 2 cards per card selection.
  • First pack, pass cards to the left; Second pack, pass to the right; Third pack, pass to the left again.
  • After the draft, players have 1 hour to create a 60 card Commander deck. The 60 cards includes 1-2 commanders from your drafted cards. Your deck must match your commanders' color identity.
Deck building:
  • Land Count (24-26): If you want to play it safe, then go for 26 lands.
  • Creature Count (19-23): Creatures are the primary way to deal damage
  • Spell Count (12-16): Removal spells are important since larger creatures are far more likely to be cast.
Mana curve:
  • 1 mana: 2-4
  • 2 mana: 6-8
  • 3 mana: 8-10
  • 4 mana: 6-8
  • 5 mana: 4-6
  • 6 mana: 2-4
  • 7+ mana: 0-2

wu: Constellation Lifegain
ub: Mill Control
br: Aggro Sacrifice
rg: Aggro/Midrange
gw: Constellation Midrange
wb: Enchantment Reanimator
ur: Tempo Control
bg: Graveyard Midrange
rw: Aggro +1/+1
gu: Midrange Control

Card specific rules: Custom Cards:
  • Echo of the gods is my homebrew variant of The Prismatic Piper, it fits the cube flavor, provides support for mechanics in the cube, and is at a power level that people wouldn't be upset if they had to use.

Since I have been taking a more focused approach on the thematic compatibility side of things, I got to thinking and I decided that I could lean a little bit more into the mechanics that comprised Theros. That's why several of the new replacements have Scry as an ability and are directly from the involved sets as opposed to straight up ambiguous replacements. Elo and interaction did have a hand in the choices.

Changes of note:

Master of the Feast is awful in 4 player commander when everyone has 40 life, card advantage is too valuable to just give other players for free. By the time you get to attack with it even once, three additional cards have been drawn off of it. I wanted to bring back Tymaret, Chosen from Death as he allows for graveyard hate, which could be pretty useful in this cube.

Primeval Titan This could be either a really good or really bad addition. I wanted to add another Titan to the cube since I can't really do much with the multicolored Titans that are actually from Theros. At least with Primetime, whomever plays it will become public enemy #1 and hopefully will be late enough in the game other players will be able to respond. Additionally, there really isn't any bomb lands to be grabbed, leaving him mostly relegated to ramp and attacking which can still be a huge issue on its own. I think it will balance itself out, but that's yet to be determined.

Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix lost a lot of her support with the reduction blue card draw, so Thrasios, Triton Hero is the replacement and I think a pretty good fit overall.

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