Commander/EDH Budget Cube ( < $450)

Cube ID
Art by Ryan YeeArt by Ryan Yee

400 Card Commander Budget Multiplayer Vintage Cube

Designed by LadyEmaSkyeRSSQR Code

View in Cube Map


Hello, welcome to my budget EDH cube! The goal of this cube is to make a fun 4-player limited-EDH environment with synergistic decks that play around the casual+ level; no fast mana, no infinite combos, and generally no format boogeymen. I frequently tinker with this list, and the cubecobra posting should pretty much always be consistent with any updates.

Please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions! Lady Ema Skye#1603 on discord. I try to keep this list relatively budget, many of the more expensive cards are cards I happened to get through limited tournaments/EDH products.

Primary archetypes:
W/U: Blink
W/B: Lifegain
W/R: Combat/Combat-Matters
W/G: Tokens
U/B: "Play Other People's Stuff"
U/R: Spellslingers
U/G: +1/+1's
B/R: Discard/Exile
B/G: Reanimator
R/G: Big Stompy

Special Cube Rules
Commander pool also includes one emblem for each color. Emblems adds the corresponding color to the color identity of a single commander (so, not applicable to partner pairings).

All mono color legends can be used as a partner.

Monarchy is automatically awarded to first combat damage.

Guildgates don't enter tapped.

Drafting & Deckbuilding:
Draft four 15 card packs. Each pack is seeded with 3 commanders, and 12 non-legends.
Two picks per pack.
Build decks of 60 cards (including commanders).
A typical deck will have ~22-24 lands.

Decks must still adhere to the color identity rules, and only legendary creatures are eligible as commanders.

After the draft every player has access to up to two Prismatic Pipers if needed (two prismatic pipers are allowed to be used as partners together if a player somehow has no legends in their desired color pairing).